For those who have clicked the link I posted in the Comm UI Cup thread in facebook, please comment, criticize, bash, rave, praise, dump on, blow away, and most importantly, vote on the following pieces of crap:
Mendingan flame 2.0 reason why? font-nya pas dan logonya ga terlalu ribet kaya yg mastercard. Yg the bknnya muka salah satu studio film y?
flame 2.0 would be nice. but about the posters,... hm i think you should do with a cleaner monochromatic pictures. not grainy and stuff. i dunno, it just kinda look like somebody's old picture and you just taped that logo on it, with no relevance whatsoever. if you wanna do old photos, maybe you should find a picture with an old FISIP building as the background or something. give a familiar touch to it.
Thanks for the C&C! And yes, The Flame 2.0 has officially been chosen as the logo for the event!
@Kal: Woi, lo kemane? Nesya buat urusan Spectacomm juga bingung mau ngontak. Ntar poster Comm UI Cup rencananya lu yg megang yaks.
And yeah, I did just taped the logo on it, that's why I called it a mock poster. Just to give a faint measure on how the logo would seam.
Footnote: Itu foto timnas Hindia Belanda 1938. Sesekalinya Indonesia bisa dibilang ikut Piala Dunia. One of the earliest incarnations of a "Sport Hero"
The Flame 2.0. must bring that up.
oh and somehow i also love the first mock poster. hehe classic.
wow, the flame 2.0 is really cool
the flame 2.0
warnanya lebih hidup, trus font nya lebih enak diliat dan dibaca. suka yg nomer 2..tapi kalo buat logo kayanya yang flame 2.0 lebih pas deh..
Mendingan flame 2.0
reason why? font-nya pas dan logonya ga terlalu ribet kaya yg mastercard. Yg the bknnya muka salah satu studio film y?
flame 2.0 would be nice.
but about the posters,... hm i think you should do with a cleaner monochromatic pictures. not grainy and stuff. i dunno, it just kinda look like somebody's old picture and you just taped that logo on it, with no relevance whatsoever. if you wanna do old photos, maybe you should find a picture with an old FISIP building as the background or something. give a familiar touch to it.
Thanks for the C&C! And yes, The Flame 2.0 has officially been chosen as the logo for the event!
@Kal: Woi, lo kemane? Nesya buat urusan Spectacomm juga bingung mau ngontak. Ntar poster Comm UI Cup rencananya lu yg megang yaks.
And yeah, I did just taped the logo on it, that's why I called it a mock poster. Just to give a faint measure on how the logo would seam.
Footnote: Itu foto timnas Hindia Belanda 1938. Sesekalinya Indonesia bisa dibilang ikut Piala Dunia. One of the earliest incarnations of a "Sport Hero"
gw bru baca wall lo krn udh bbrp hr ini fb ngadat g bs dbuka. spectacomm apaan? gw bakal jarang bgt k kampus ran.
wah eke baru lihat.
gambar satu, di mata gw bolanya kaya jamur mario bros ran.
ehehe. maklum eke lagi rutin ngelawan bocah maen mario bros nih.
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