Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Bad Week-Cont'-end

Yes, it's obviously a different week. But the following paragraph has something to do with the 'bad week' post.

Most of the midterm results have been handed out. The ones I predicted to be average turned out to be quite good (and feel good thanks to the art self-depreciation), and the ones I predicted to be rock-bottom were...rock-bottom.

100% unrelated, the icing on the cake was layered a few hours ago. My beloved Arsenal bowing out at the FA Cup Semifinals courtesy of Chelsea and co. Pisses me off, not only because of the result, but more because of the seemingly formulaic manner of our defeats against the Blues. Flowing football definitely doesn't work when you're up against world-class,tall and strong experienced players, who don't give you time and space to play your game. A disastrous showing from our makeshift defense didn't do us any good either, against The IVORIAN MONSTER who seems to have a knack of scoring when playing us. Crap.

I like to be (or seem) pessimistic, so I'll just say that our chances of filling up the cabinet after four trophy-less years are fading fast.

The Ivorian Monster enjoys making Condomhead into his bitch!


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